To Mother with Andrea Hope
Baha'i mom and poet Andrea Hope shares her tips and reflections on parenting with purpose in the modern world. Author of children's books A is for Allah-u-Abha + Counting through the Baha'i year, and poetry books To Mother + Will You Break the Silence?
To Mother with Andrea Hope
Buy Nothing
Season 1
Episode 35
Ep. 35: Baha'i mom and poet Andrea Hope discusses avoiding the pressures of materialism as a parent and why you should "Buy Nothing". Thank you to our listener who donated to keep the podcast going and for you all who helped us get to 1,000 downloads.
The resources for this episode are as follows:
Baha'i quote:
Living the Life: Buy Nothing (join your local group or create your own)
Andrea's Etsy Shop:
Facebook: @tomotherwithandreahope
Email: info@andreahope.org
Website: www.andreahope.org